Spiritual Growth Program
Our founder, “Mama Lois” is a missionary by training and has devoted her life to improving the futures of young women. Our spiritual growth program serves as an extension of the bible clubs Mama Lois began in her neighborhood before Grace House was founded in 1992. This program provides a biblical foundation for life to the girls who call Grace House their home.
Daily Devotions and Church Attendance
Daily devotions are held within each home and led by house parents. House parents share God’s love for them, and together as a family they celebrate how special each girl is.
Grace House girls attend church weekly. We believe that involvement within the Body of Christ is one of the most beneficial ways to grow spiritually. Each girl is encouraged to get involved within the church. When a new profession of faith is made, girls are also encouraged to obey God’s command to profess their faith publicly through baptism.
Angel of the Month
Angel of the Month takes place at the end of each month: at this gathering the girls are celebrated for their achievements from the month, and each girl shares the scripture memory verse they that have been working on.